A Very Fond Farewell

After four years as our course consultant, our team is saying goodbye to Annie Zhou. We wish her the best in the future. Annie’s time is marked with patience, kindness, and high-quality work. We are very grateful for all she did while with USA English.

And now, a few words from Annie:

Hi everyone,

I’m excited to share my experience and offer best wishes for our team and students as I depart after four years with USA English.

I still remember when I came to USA English for the first time. Shy and nervous, I was not good at expressing myself at that time, especially in English. So I was a listener most of the time. If there were foreign course consultants with questions or in need of help, I would double-check with them about my understanding of their words to make sure I got the main idea.

At the beginning, I spent a long time memorizing the names of all the students who learned English with our company, including their parents and grandparents, as well as everyone’s learning situation. I was lucky because our lovely team was patient with me, and helped me to adjust to the new environment. There were students that came and left because they graduated or moved away. There were some foreign course consultants that came and left because they wanted to try something new. But I still remember all of you, as well as some happy moments with you.

I want to say thanks to all team members. I improved a lot, especially in terms of spoken English because of  your help and encouragement. I’m more confident to express myself now. Maybe sometimes I have used unsuitable words in my sentences, but through willingness to try I developed.

I want to tell our clients that our course consultants are passionate about teaching your kids. They are responsible and patient with every student. If you think your kid improved slowly compared to other students, don’t worry too much.

Please believe in your kid, and give him/her more patience. Time will show you their changes.

Thanks to all of the students who still learn at USA English now. Thank you for your accompanying USA English for many years, like friends more than teacher and students. We are improving together, becoming more and more strong. We will never stop.

I will miss all of you even after leaving. For students, I hope you will be the person you want to be. I hope our team will run smoothly in the future. Thanks again! 

Best wishes,
Annie Zhou